“Don’t cry because it’s over. Smile because it happened.” – Dr. Seuss
Amen and amen.
Now down to business - this is a baby update. Elsa Lynne photos, demanded and provided. That said, here's a thought about kids:
"Songs are like kids; you don't know if they're any good until you try 'em out on other people; everybody likes their own." - Arlo Guthrie
So true.
Next I want to share with y'all a poem that I wrote. But first I must say that I am more than a little shy about this. I don't often write poetry and when I do it's very personal and emotional. In fact the main reason I'm posting this is because I know so few people read this blog and most of those who do already love me unconditionally! So anyway, as you read the words that follow, know that I do not claim to be a good poet; I only claim to be a daddy totally, helplessly in love with my little girl. I wrote these words on the first day of 2010 after spending a few magical moments just snuggling, staring at each other, and smiling back and forth with Elsa. Erin was off taking her shower, and as I watched Elsa look at her own fingers and toes with wonder and curiosity I experienced one of those moments where the emotion of it all just hit me like a Mack truck. Everything she does, even crying, is just so beautiful and innocent and new. At times like that I am just so filled with love. And those same times are so incredibly hard to describe. This poem is a faltering attempt. Enjoy.
Eyes meet eyes
My words poor to describe
Precious space and time
Study hands brand new
You move, I am moved
Then you smile
It takes me high
I am yours, you are mine
Even when you cry
Forgive my delight
Spark of the divine
Daddy’s heart devastated
And elated
At what Father has created
Experience and bright innocence
Differently we cry
Intimately we smile
We fly
Through space and time
Holy, sublime
Yours and mine
Just for a while
Helpless daddy, precious child
When eyes meet eyes
Now on to the photos...
I'm sure this goes without saying, but playing with a Scottish highland cow is exhausting.
Holding daddy's hand, or finger, as it were, helps her fall asleep when she's upset. She keeps gripping even while sleeping.
Beef stroganoff - daddy's favorite.
Riding in the sling, position 1.
Riding in the sling, position 2.
Tail fin.
Two peas in a pod.
The next few photos are exclusive insider images of Elsa Lynne's workout routine at My Gym.
Trampoline. Feeling the burn.
This counts as both swimming and playing ball. Double workout - intense.
Baby pilates.
Swing. Favorite.
Christmas morning, complete with fresh OJ and sausage balls.
New PJs, oh yeah.
Lucho demanding some attention. He has performed valiantly in the face of a drastic loss of attention during the past four months.
Mommy love.
Important McDade Christmas tradition: Viewing of "Elf".
Elsa sandwich.
Saying something very important.
At Yuyo's favorite restaurant. Elsa has a knack for making friends everywhere we go.
With Sherbert the bear, nighttime snuggle buddy.
Ringing in the new year with Yuyo and Brittan.
Snuggle time.
Awake and still snuggling. Check out the slobber spot on daddy's shoulder.
With buddy Brittan.
Cheesin' for Yuyo's mom.
Hat by Grandma, dress by Kami, leggings by Mommy, Bumbo seat by Coopers.
First bus trip. 4 AM, headed to the US Embassy in Mexico City. This is a little scary and requires the holding of multiple parental hands.
Excited at officially becoming an American!
"Oh beautiful, for spacious skies..."
Even if she weren't growing out of it, I would officially retire this GT outfit. While very cute, it is absolutely not helpful for winning football games. First time she wore it - loss to UGA. Second time - loss in Orange Bowl AND bball loss to UGA on same day. Argh.
Hanging with Sherbert.
Much love, people! Please pray for Elsita and her mom and dad and for the ministry of El Pozo as we begin another semester!
wow. i really like the poem. and i was fully prepared to make fun of it. 100% conversion, well done! LOVE the USA sticker on the head pics.