Meeting Uncle Britt and Aunt Candace for the first time...
The long-awaited meeting of her uncle...
Hanging out at 3 a.m.
Morning family fun time.
This simple rattle is one of her two favorite toys, as you can see by the look on her face.
Snoozin' with Uncle Britt.
Getting ready to cruise the Angelopolis mall.
Me with my bro, a.k.a. Uncle Britt.
Erin with Aunt Candace.
Elsa with what's left of a tasty lunch of cemitas, sopa azteca, and chalupas.
Having a snack just a few benches down from where she had her first bottle ever.
Showing the newly-discovered grip. Dropping this one here because it was her right hand. Elsa is definitely a lefty up till this point in her life. The left is the much stronger grip, more active hand, go-to hand for sucking, etc.
Gripping her socks.
Gripping her new little rattle.
More rattling.
Group photo in front of our house.
Lucho and Candace learning to coexist.
Bath time. With so many hands on deck Elsa must feel like a car getting the deluxe cleaning.
Bath time.
Bath time.
All bundled up at daddy's flag football game. She slept right through Uncle Britt dislocating his collar bone on the second play of the game.
Cutting the trip a day short due to an out-of-place clavicle. Bummer.
Ready for the UGA game in the outfit her aunt and uncle brought her.
Go Jackets!
The spread. Saturday, staff-only Thanksgiving dinner.
Alas, the GT gear didn't help our boys get a win.
Hanging out with Karen a.k.a. K.K. Be sure to pronounce that in English.
Much love from Puebla - we are so THANKFUL for all of you!
is the title a pun that i am not understanding? elsay? help me out. p.s. i just said "ca-ca" out loud at my desk.